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Primary Programmes

Today, Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah has about 300 students enrolled across its 12-year educational program. Throughout the first 10 years at the Primary and Secondary level, students build a strong foundation in Islamic subjects, learning and memorizing the Qur’an and hadith, as well as other essential subjects that include tafsir, tauhid, fiqh, sirah (Islamic history), and akhlak.

The Diploma in Islamic Studies (DPI) Program that was introduced in 2013 offers our students a chance to further develop their understanding of Islam with subjects like Fiqh Mu’amalat, Usul Fiqh, Tarikh Tasyri’ and many more. With the Diploma in Islamic Studies, our students are well-prepared to continue their education in prestigious Islamic institutions in the Middle East and Malaysia such as the Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, Yarmouk University in Jordan, Univesiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor (KUIS) in Malaysia and others.

In keeping up with the rigorous educational landscape of Singapore, Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah follows the Singapore national curriculum closely. At the end of Primary Six, our students sit for the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). Our school also offers subjects at the O-Levels and A-Levels at the end of the Secondary and Pre-University levels respectively.

Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah is largely self-funded through the Syed Mohamed Ahmed Alsagoff (SMA) Wakaf, with occasional grants from the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) and contributions from society. Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah is recognized by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) as a heritage school.

Introduction of ARK

Arabic and Revealed Knowledge Department is a department headed by Vice Principal, Ustazah Asyunifar Abu, Head of Department (Secondary), Ustazah Siti Khadijah Abidin, and Head of Department (Primary), Ustazah Shahida Shaikh Salim.


Currently our department is driven by 9 dedicated teachers for both primary and secondary levels. 


Most of ARK teachers hold at least an honours bachelor degree specialising in Arabic and Islamic studies from recognised universities in the Middle-East and Southeast Asia with four of our teachers who are Master degree holders.


ARK department focuses on curriculum and teaching of Arabic Language subjects such as Lughah Arabiah (Arabic Language), Nahu (Arabic syntax), Saraf (Arabic Morphology) and Revealed Knowledge disciplines such as Tauhid, Quran & Tajwid, Fiqh, Akhlak Islamiyyah, Sirah, Tafsir Quran and Hadith Nabawi. ARK department also introduced the learning of Jawi Language for lower primary students as to preserve the Jawi script as it has a significant role in the spread of Islamic knowledge in our region.


ARK curriculum comprises teaching and learning in classrooms as well beyond classroom whereby various programmes and activities are carried out to provide students with the joy of learning the knowledge as well as to make lesson contents more meaningful for their daily and future lives.


As learning is not confined in the classrooms, students can take advantage of the nidge activities organised by the Department such as Arabic Choral Speaking, Qasidah Club and Arabic Debate.


Students are also encouraged to take part in national and international competitions such as:

  • Quranic Recitation

  • Quranic Memorisation

  • Hadith Competition

  • Tafsir Competition

  • Islamic speech and Storytelling

  • Arabic Debate


ARK Framework


In Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah, our ARK Inclusive Framework initiates from the school vision to nurture noble women exemplary of the Ummahatul Mukminin. The visions are made string together by the Madrasah’s values (Resilience, Humility, Empathy, Integrity and Teamwork). To fulfil the Madrasah’s vision and values, our girls are taught the essential needs to have Taqwa, Adab and to understand the relationship in Habluminallah wa Hablunminannas. This encompasses the mission for our girls to have a strong foundation in Islamic Traditions (Al-Quran and As-Sunnah) that fulfil our objectives to nurture pious Muslimah leaders with academic excellence, creative, and innovative potentials to serve our religion, family, community and nation.

The meaning of ARK

ARK means Arabic and Revealed Knowledge. In our department, the objective of learning Arabic Language is for students to deepen the understanding of the revealed knowledge. Apart from that, we hope that students will become effective communicators of the language as well as to be able to integrate the language with the learning of their religion. The Arabic curriculum in our department focuses on the four core language skills such as Reading, Writing, Speaking and listening. Arabic Language subject Ibooks have been progressively developed for the student with added interactive functions to cultivate joy in discovering the beauty of Arabic Language.


Revealed knowledge subjects are taught fully in Arabic across the level to expose students to tradition (turath)  of the revealed knowledge which is in Arabic. Our curriculum is designed to educate students about the fundamentals of Revealed Knowledge and to enable them to implement and practice the knowledge in their life. These fundamentals are Tauhid, Quran & Tajwid, Fiqh, Akhlak Islamiyyah, Sirah, Tafsir Quran and Hadith Nabawi. The Department is currently developing the iBooks for Revealed Knowledge Subjects across the level.

Programmes For ARK

  • Workshop / HalfDay Camp

Revealed knowledge subjects are taught fully in Arabic across the level to expose students to tradition (turath)  of the revealed knowledge which is in Arabic. Our curriculum is designed to educate students about the fundamentals of Revealed Knowledge and to enable them to implement and practice the knowledge in their life. These fundamentals are Tauhid, Quran & Tajwid, Fiqh, Akhlak Islamiyyah, Sirah, Tafsir Quran and Hadith Nabawi. The Department is currently developing the iBooks for Revealed Knowledge Subjects across the level.


Workshop/HalfDay Camp

Subject(s) related to Workshop


Primary 1

Hayya Ilal Arabiah-Arabic Speech & Drama

Arabic Language

To build students' confidence in a range of communicative activities while developing their oracy skills.

Primary 1 to 3

Dustuuruna- Juz A’mm

  • Quran

  • Hadith

To interpret the stories behind the selected surahs in Juz Amma.

Primary 1 to 3

J-Fun:Jawi enrichment Program


To illustrate the Jawi knowledge they have gained through posters and quizzes.

Primary 1 to 6

ARK Subjects Half Day Camp

  • Tauhid 

  • Sirah

  • Akhlak

To review topics learnt through activities.

Primary 1 to 6

Aadabul Mutaa’llim

  • Akhlak

  • Hadith

To illustrate the Jawi knowledge they have gained through posters and quizzes.

Primary 1 to 6

FIFFA (Fiqh is Fun for All)

  • Fiqh

  • Akhlak

To apply and relate their fiqh knowledge into real life scenarios.

Primary 4 to 6

Dustuuruna- Juz Tabarak

  • Quran

  • Hadith

To interpret the stories behind the selected surahs in Juz Tabarak.

Primary 5


  • All Subjects

To provide a platform that strengthens the students’ bonds with Allah by encouraging Qiyamullail.

  • ARK Student Enrichment Programmes (Primary)

Hiwar & Khutbah 

Objective: This programme starts at Primary One all the way to Secondary Four focusing at confidence in public speaking.


In 2020, due to the pandemic, Arabic Hiwar and khutbah have been shifted to online version since last year and students will produce hiwar and khutbah projects using their learning device ipad


Due to the exposure that the students received through this programme, our students have achieved significant achievements in Syarahan, Arabic public speaking and hiwar competitions.

Junior Huffaz (Primary 2 - Primary 6)

Objective: to instill students’ interest in memorising the al-Quran & Increase their interest in knowing the meanings of every word in the al-Quran.


Qasidah ( Primary 3 - Primary 6)

Objective: to showcase the unique musicality of qasidah to students. The students will perform the Qasidah Burdah during events such as Nadwah, Haul and Maulid.


Arabic Debate (Primary 6)

Objective : To encourage students to research, study, cultivate their leadership qualities and arabic language skills and practice critical thinking. Arabic debate was introduced in the secondary curriculum as well as an interest club which is led by the diploma students as mentors.


Due to the exposure that the students received through this programme, our students have achieved significant achievements in national and international Arabic  competitions.

Talaqqi Quran  Bissanad Riwayah Hafs Thoriq Syatibi

Objective: The aim of the programme is to provide the students with an opportunity to study the Al-Quran in the Talaqqi and Musyafahah method, while improving the reading quality and capability of participants. The students will have the ARK Asatizah who have obtained the sanad as their Muqri’.

Monthly Tahlil and Khatmul Quran

Objective: The rewards bestowed by Allah on the completion of the Quran readings would be extended to the founder of the madrasah, Syed Mohamed b Ahmed Alsagof.

Ramadhan Challenge Activities

Objective: To provide the students with an opportunity to maximise their ibadah during the holy month of Ramadhan

  • Primary 6 Post PSLE Exam Programmes

Arabic language and Revealed knowledge subjects are being taught throughout the year without having a stand down for our primary 6 students who are preparing for the PSLE. A specially designed Programme is designed for Primary 6 students after the PSLE Examination.


ARK subject components are embedded in the programme. Apart from the classroom learning activities, Primary 6 students are tasked to complete Arabic or any Revealed Knowledge projects using the technology. Through this programme, iBooks and resources are created which complement the overall curriculum.

psle projects-04.png

Development of Arabic iBooks




  • Development of Primary 2 Qiraati Reading Book 

  • Further development for Qiraati Primary 3 and 4 iBooks


Development of hayya ilal arabiah Arabic iBook began for primary levels.


Completion of iBook Qiraati Reading Books 


Completion of hayya ilal arabiah Arabic iBook for all primary levels. 


  • Development of Secondary Arabic iBooks

  • Review of Primary hayya ilal arabiah Arabic iBook

Teacher Research on Arabic and Revealed Knowledge

Apart from practicing, research can benefit teachers  professionally and personally. It also helps them become better teachers in improving teaching styles and strategies.


ARK Department believes that starting small is important and therefore teachers are encouraged to do research that is  manageable and within their limits.


Alhamdulillah our teachers have participated in some Arabic Language and Islamic studies seminars since 2014 organised by Islamic universities in Malaysia such UKM,Unisza and KUIS.




Ustazah Zauwiah Abidin

Penggunaan Huruf Yā’ dalam Struktur Ayat Sintaksis Arab:

Kajian dalam kalangan pelajar Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah, Singapura

Seminar Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab 2014 (Unisza, UKM)


Kampus Gong Badak, Terengganu

Ustazah Siti Khadijah Abidin

Ustazah Asyunifar Abu

إعداد مواد مهارة القراءة في ضوء برنامج iBook للصف الثاني الابتدائي بمدرسة السقاف العربية



KUIS, Selangor Darul Ehsan

Ustazah Saadiah Pavidor

Metode Beraksi dalam Kemahiran Bertutur Bahasa Arab:

Kajian Rintis di Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah, Singapura.

5th International Seminar on Tarbiyah 2021 (5th ISoT 2021)


KUIS, Selangor Darul Ehsan


Ustazah Zauwiah Abidin

Penggunaan Huruf Yā’ dalam Struktur Ayat Sintaksis Arab:

Kajian dalam kalangan pelajar Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah, Singapura

5th International Seminar on Tarbiyah 2021 (5th ISoT 2021)


KUIS, Selangor Darul Ehsan (Virtual)

Ustazah Nurhayati Jumali

Aplikasi Classkick dalam Penilaian Bacaan Al-Quran:

Kajian dalam Kalangan Pelajar Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah, Singapura.

5th International Seminar on Tarbiyah 2021 (5th ISoT 2021)


KUIS, Selangor Darul Ehsan


Ustazah Siti Khadijah Abidin

استخدام أي باد تحت البرنامج التطبيقي pages عند تعلم مهارة الكتابة للصف الأول الثانوي بمدرسة السقاف العربية

5th International Seminar on Tarbiyah 2021 (5th ISoT 2021)


KUIS, Selangor Darul Ehsan (Virtual)

Ustazah Asyunifar Abu

استخدام برنامج تطبيقي flipgrid في تضخيم صوت الطلبة: بحث تمهيدي عند تعلم مهارة الكلام لطالبات الدبلوم بمدرسة السقاف العربية

5th International Seminar on Tarbiyah 2021 (5th ISoT 2021)


KUIS, Selangor Darul Ehsan



ARK Department (Primary Level)

ARK Department

EMMS Department (Primary Level)

Subjects Offered

At Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah, we stress on the importance of having a strong command of the Arabic and English Languages. This was the vision of the founder of the school, Syed Mohamed bin Ahmad Alsagoff that we still uphold to this very day. 


The Primary level is the first stage of our 12-year dual curriculum programme. Our Primary 1 to Primary 6 curriculum for English Language, Malay Language, Mathematics and Science are in accordance with the latest syllabus set by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. Please refer to the Curriculum Syllabus, MOE documents for the detailed curriculum requirements of each subject. 


Although all Alsagoff students will be required to sit for the Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) at the end of Primary 6, it is not the final outcome of our students’ six years of Primary education.

Students’ Programmes

Lower Primary Learning Journey Plan




Learning Journey Venue (Alternate Years)

STELLAR Sessions @ The Singapore Science Centre or Singapore Botanic Gardens

Math Trail @ Singapore Zoo or Jurong Bird Park


Butterfly & Insect Kingdom @ Sentosa or The Singapore Science Centre

Wildlife Learning Centre @ Singapore Zoo

Upper Primary Learning Journey Plan



Learning Journey Venue (Alternate Years)

Heritage Appreciation Programme to Little India

Nature Appreciation Programme to Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve


Heritage Appreciation Programme to Chinatown & National Day Preview

Nature Appreciation Programme to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve


Heritage Appreciation Programme to the Singapore River

Nature Appreciation Programme to MacRitchie Reservoir

Student Enrichment

  • Reading Programme (English and Malay Languages)

Objective: To provide good reading materials for Primary 1 to 4 students and to instil the habit of reading


  • Confident English Speakers (English Language)

Objective: This programme aims to put into practice the four skills of speaking, reading, listening and writing




Poetry Plus (Speech & Drama)


Focusing on the skills (proper posture, bodily movements, voice projection, articulation and eye contact with an audience using simple texts, chants and poems) needed to boost the confidence of the P1s to speak in proper English.


Speak Right! (Readers' Theatre)

Aims to develop students' confidence in oral communication and encourage an interest in reading out loud. Students will learn the basics of proper posture, body posture, voice projection, articulation and eye contact using interesting stories in Readers' Theatre format. They will practise reading aloud with expression to develop clear and accurate articulation of words. Students will prepare and practise to deliver a team oral presentation at the end of the programme.



Literature Alive! James and the Giant Peach

Literature Alive! Charlie & The Chocolate Factory

To expose students to Literature Novels and improve oral communication skills through Speech and Drama. The course will be conducted as a lively Team Challenge.


Shorts Stories from the Region

To make students better writers through the discussion of how the short stories were written.


Introduction to Debate

To expose students to the skills of debating, argumenting and research for a particular topic.

  • Day Camp @ Science Centre (Science and Mathematics)

Objective: To attend guided practical lab sessions on Science and Math topics that students have learned or will be learning in class. These sessions will enhance students' understanding and application of Science and Mathematics concepts taught in the primary school curriculum.




(a) Food from Plants

(b) Fun with Animals


Through the practical lab sessions pupils will learn

(a)  how plants make their own food and where to store them


(b) observe and label the parts of an insect, outline & explain the typical life cycles of an insect.


(a) Heat and Light

(b) Temperature

Through the practical lab sessions pupils will learn

(a) about colours, shadows and light as a form of energy. Investigate how different mirrors, lenses and materials affect how light travels


(b) about the different methods of heat transfer, effects of gain and loss of heat and the concept of heat and temperature.


(a) Diversity of Cells

(b) Electric Carnival

(a) Pupils will explore and observe living cells through microscopes and appreciate their significance.


(b) Through experimentation and hands-on activities, pupils will explore concepts such as parallel and series circuits, electrical connections and conductors and insulators, how common electrical components like fuses and LEDs work, and how these are important in our daily lives.


(a) Math Games and Problem Solving

(b) Energy Lab

(a) Pupils will learn to exercise their critical thinking and creativity skills through a series of fun and challenging mathematical games.


(b) Pupils will also explore the various forms of energy through the engaging hands-on workshop, packed with activities that demonstrate how energy is transferred and converted from one form to another. Pupils will then use these concepts to build a thrilling marble machine.

  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Objective: To inculcate STEM into our Primary 3 to Primary 6 Science curriculum as part of the Formative Assessment requirement. Each level is required to complete a project based on a topic that is taught in that semester.


Semester 1 Project Topic

Semester 2 Project Topic

Primary 3



Primary 4

Digestive System


Primary 5

Respiratory System

Electrical System

Primary 6

Forces & Energy


PSLE Preparation Programme

We start this programme at Primary 5 in order to give our students a longer runway to prepare for the PSLE at Primary 6. The support is essential as our students are products of a dual curriculum. However, it is important to note that the PSLE is not the final outcome of the Primary education in Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah.


Primary 5 Programme

Primary 6 Programme

English Language

Writing Programme

Writing Programme

Oral Preparation Programme

Malay Language

Writing Programme

Writing Programme

Oral Preparation Programme


Strengthening Concepts and Fundamentals Programme

Acquiring Technique and Skills of Answering PSLE Exam Questions 


Differentiated after-school remediation or supplementary lessons

- Differentiated after-school remediation or supplementary lessons

- Stand Down and Conditioning Programmes after Semester 1

EMMS Department
Alsagoff’s PSLE Results (5-years)

The PSLE benchmark is pegged at the average PSLE aggregate score of Malay pupils in the six lowest-performing national primary schools who offered 4 Standard subjects in the PSLE of the same year.

The PSLE benchmark and average PSLE aggregate score are rounded up to the nearest whole number.



Compulsory Education PSLE Benchmark




Our Average PSLE Aggregate Score


Top Student’s Score






















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