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Student Councillor and Junior Leader Investiture

On 6 March 2024, our school held an event for the Student Councillors (SCs) as well as the Junior Leaders of our school. We were able to show our thanks and gratitude towards our SCs that will step down this year from their responsibilities and at the same time introduce the new SCs and Junior Leaders that will be joining the student leadership this year and the years to come. 

Fathimatuzzahra’ Binte Fadhlur Rahman, the former president of the Student Councillors shared some valuable advice to her junior SCs: "As long as you remember the SC title is one that demands integrity and honesty, then everything will go well. If you abuse your power it will never go well."

'I often hold the councillors in high regards as I know it takes a great amount of discipline to be regarded as worthy to be a student councillor' - A fellow senior said regarding her opinion on the selection of student council.

Being a student council is not that easy, especially with the heavy amount of duty that is given to them. But that is why us as students, look up to them. They manage to juggle their school work and responsibilities as a student council.

We have instilled in our fellow students to appreciate their fellow councillors as the saying goes ''With great power comes great responsibility.''

في ٦ مارس ٢٠٢٤م، عقدت مدرستنا حدثًا لأعضاء لجنة الطالبات (SC) وكذلك القادة الحديثة في مدرستنا. لقد تمكنا من إظهار امتناننا وشكرنا لأعضاء لجنة الطالبات (SC) التي ستتنحّى هذا العام. وفي نفس الوقت، نقدّم أعضاء اللجنة العليا الجديدة والقادة الحديثة اللاتي سيجعلن رئاسة ويحملن مسؤؤلية لهذا العام والسنوات الطويلة القادمة.

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