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Secondary 3 & 4 Reading Comprehension Workshop

Updated: May 11, 2023

On 8th and 15th February 2023, the Secondary 3 and 4 students attended a 2-day workshop led by Mdm Marife to improve their comprehension skills in preparation for their O-levels exams. In this workshop, Mdm Marife prepared worksheets and fun scenarios to intrigue the students. They got to understand the concept of the different types of questions such as inferential, proof of evidence and many more. Mdm Marife had even explained irony and sarcasm to help students to be more confident in working on such concepts in the examinations.

في الثامن والخامس عشر من فبراير ٢٠٢٣م، حضرت الطالبات من الصف الثالث الثانوي والصف الرابع الثانوي إلى الورشة عن كيفية فهم الاستيعاب وإجابتها. الهدف الرئيسي من هذه الورشة لمساعدة الطالبات وإدخال الثقة في نفوسهن أثناء مواجهة أسئلة الامتحان.

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