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Nadwah Activity

On 7th of February 2024, the Upper Secondary students had a project. They organised a spread of activities for the Lower Primary levels. It was a moment of bonding between the seniors and juniors while also being creative as the secondary students to come up with the activities.

Since the Primary Three students have just been exposed to Science this year, the Secondary Two students have arranged a Science fair to further encourage the primary students to love and further continue their pursuit of knowledge in Science.

Here in Madrasah Alsagoff, we encourage responsibility at a young age and have introduced to our primary sisters educational games where they could earn tokens. We had the Secondary Three students to teach them how to spend their tokens wisely and make decisions for themselves.

Besides academic talent, we also value our students' talents in Arts and ensure we let them flourish their talents even from a young age.

في ٧ فبراير ٢٠٢٤م، نظّمت الطالبات من المرحلة الثانوية بعض الأنشطة للمرحلة الابتدائية. والغرض الأساسي من البرنامج لتعريفهن على جمال العلم، وتعليمهنّ المسؤولية، وتعزيزهنّ بقدراتهن الإبداعية. كان طلاب المرحلة الثانوية الأربعة قد قادوا طالبات المرحلة الابتدائية إلى صنع طائرات ورقية، وقد اندهشوا عندما شاهدوا التصاميم الهائلة والطرق التي تجعل طائراتهم تطير.

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