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Exam Tips 101

Written by : Fahima Zuhra, Secondary 1

“Don’t waste your time! Go study for your weighted assessments now!”

Ever heard that statement often but have no idea how to prepare? Here are some exam tips that will surely help you.

First, the key is to start early. Procrastination is hard to overcome but studying for your exam in a short period may and can be ineffective. Find a study routine that works best for you!

Second, if you still cannot find a study routine, you may try active learning techniques such as summarising, note-taking or even teaching others. 

Third, practice with your past exam papers. This is a great way to revise for your exams as it will help yourself to get familiar with the exam format and know which sub-topics to improvise more. 

Fourth, manage your time. To manage your time, you can create a schedule on when to study, take breaks and avoid distractions. 

Fifth, studying for your exams may build up stress but to ease down the stress level, you should talk to a person that you are comfortable with and let out your feelings to them. Not only that, you have to get enough sleep or else you might not remember what you have revised.

You might think that all this is easier said than done, however, you have to try your best in order to achieve what you want. So be sure to not get distracted by little things like friends who are a bad influence, or video games which can pull you away from your books.

فباختصار، مفتاح النجاح في امتحانك هو البدء مبكرًا. لا تؤجّل عملك وادِر وقتك جيدًا. ولإدارة وقتك، يمكنك إنشاء جدول زمني للدراسة، وأخذ فترات راحة، وتجنب المشتتات. ولكي تحقق ما تأمله، عليك أن تحاول وألا تستسلم إلى الأبد. اعمل بجد وراجع لامتحاناتك. بذل قصارى جهدك، افعل ما في وسعك، وادعِ الله كثيرًا. كما يقال: "مَن جدّ وجد ومَن زرع حصد."

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