Our Programmes
Curriculum & Syllabus
Today, Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah has about 300 students enrolled across its 12-year educational program. Throughout the first 10 years at the Primary and Secondary level, students build a strong foundation in Islamic subjects, learning and memorizing the Qur’an and hadith, as well as other essential subjects that include tafsir, tauhid, fiqh, sirah (Islamic history), and akhlak.
The Diploma in Islamic Studies (DPI) Program that was introduced in 2013 offers our students a chance to further develop their understanding of Islam with subjects like Fiqh Mu’amalat, Usul Fiqh, Tarikh Tasyri’ and many more. With the Diploma in Islamic Studies, our students are well-prepared to continue their education in prestigious Islamic institutions in the Middle East and Malaysia such as the Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, Yarmouk University in Jordan, Univesiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor (KUIS) in Malaysia and others.
In keeping up with the rigorous educational landscape of Singapore, Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah follows the Singapore national curriculum closely. At the end of Primary Six, our students sit for the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). Our school also offers subjects at the O-Levels and A-Levels at the end of the Secondary and Pre-University levels respectively.
Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah is largely self-funded through the Syed Mohamed Ahmed Alsagoff (SMA) Wakaf, with occasional grants from the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) and contributions from society. Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah is recognized by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) as a heritage school.
Programmes for Primary, Secondary & Diploma Pengajian Islam (DPI)
School Calendar
STEM Coding
Aims to expose students to think creatively in a computational manner to a point where they can obtain simple algorithms and code the programmes to solve some simple basic problems in their studies.
Primary 1 - Primary 6
Tell a Story!
Students will be able to create conversation, switch scenes, or do whatever else they can imagine.
Scratch 3.0 (web based)
Hello, Byte
Students will learn fundamental coding concepts using real Swift code e.g. commands, functions and loops. Working collaboratively, students will practice predicting the output of their code, as well as debugging their own and others’ code.
Learn to Code 1, Microbit Code for Fun Programme, Boston Edition
Students will learn fundamental coding concepts using real Swift code eg commands, functions and loops. Working collaboratively, students will practice predicting the output of their code, as well as debugging their own and others’ code. They’ll also practice using their skills in visual-based coding apps, solving puzzles and designing their own creations.
Students will be introduced to Microbit Code for Fun Programme, Boson edition.
They will learn:
To code the micro:Bit using Block Based
Introduce to inputs Sensors
Introduce to Outputs, such as LEDs, Motor, Buzzer
Apply Design Thinking Process to create a prototype to solve a problem.
Secondary 1 - Secondary 3
Course Outline
Students will learn coding, 3D and develop computational thinking through practical exercises. This will also develop student’s computational thinking skills using different concepts, solutions, and design. These are necessary skill sets students must have as we prepare them for the new future.
Secondary 1
Learn to Code 2, Parrot Mambo Programme
Students will learn the variables & parameters in Learn to Code 2. They’ll also practice using their skills in visual-based coding apps, solving puzzles and designing their own creations.
Students will learn the Parrot Mambo Programme
They will have:
Code mambo Parrot Drone using block-based program, Tynker
Learn to safely handle a drone
Learn about the do and don’ts of drone in Singapore
Code Actuator on the drone to drop items
Compete in a Mini Competition to apply what they have learnt.
Secondary 2
Tello Edu Programme
Students will be introduced to the Tello Edu Programme.
They will have:
Code Tello Edu drone using Text-based program, Apple’s Swift program
Learn to safely handle a drone
Learn about the do and don’ts of drone in Singapore
To test Drone Hypothesis using inquiry-based learning
Compete in a Mini Competition to apply what they have learnt.
Secondary 3
As the students have completed the Learn to Code Programme, we introduce Kodable as a way to recap and practise the content that was covered before. By now, they are able to think like a programmer.
They are 4 game courses in Kodable:
Basic Courses (Sequence, Conditions & Debugging)
Introductory Courses (Algorithms, Conditions)
Intermediate Courses (Patterns, Loops, Functions & Variables)
Advance Courses (JavaScript Basics)
Selected students have been identified to have aptitude in coding and will be in Special Programme and the other group will be doing a revision on what they learnt so far.
Special Programme
3D modelling and App Development
Students in total
Students will be introduced to 3D modelling, 3D Printing and introductory mobile App Programme.
They will have:
an introduction to 3D modelling.
Introduce to 3D printing
3D printing using a 3D printer
Introduction to mobile App Development
Creating a Multipage app about the school
Rifa Adriana Binte Mustaffa (P6)
Fatimah Azzahra binte Mohamed Fairoz (S1)
Aleeya binte Emran (S3)
Nur Nadhirah Mazidah Pasaribu (S3)
Sumayyah binte Mohamed Hanif (S3)
Syifaa Zahra' binte Aidil (S3)
Financial Assistance Scheme
Eligibility Criteria
Zakat status - PCI Level - $450 & below
Non-Zakat status - PCI Level - $500 & below
Application Period
October till January
Disbursement (June)
Zakat-status - Fully-paid fees + Non-fee assistance of $1,200 (Pri Level)
Non-Zakat status - $100 per month
Eligibility Criteria (12 students only)
End-of-year Result - a minimum of 60% or below with good conduct
PCI Level - $650 & below
Application Period
Disbursement (June)
4 months fees per student
Eligibility Criteria
Ineligible for PROMAS, LBKM or MSAS due to PCI Level
In need of assistance due to other factors
Application Period
As & when it is needed
Disbursement (June)
Administered by admin
(Uniform, Books, iPad etc)
Eligibility Criteria
Students under assistance
In need of assistance due to other factors (subject to approval)
Application Period
As & when it is needed
Disbursement (June)
Administered by admin