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Acara Sayembara Bisikan Pena 2023

Alhamdullilah, pelajar-pelajar kami telah memenangi hadiah-hadiah tersebut dalam Acara Bisikan Pena 2023..

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Turkiye Trip January 2023

On the 3rd of January 2023, after a long postponement of 2 years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the diploma students of Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah..

Characters Come Alive

As part of our continuous effort in inculcating life-long readers, the EMMS (Primary) Department has included Alsagoff Reads as part of our Nadwah Programme.

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Our Digital Innovation

In 2011, Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah embarked on a 1:1 iPad programme. We started off by purchasing 300 iPads for a whole-school usage. Next, we upgraded our Computer Laboratory, turning it into a Software Development Centre for students who can learn how to design and create Arabic Textbooks and other learning materials for the school...

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Alsagoff History

The Alsagoff Arab School was founded in 1912 upon the legacy of its founder and benefactor Syed Mohamed b Ahmed Alsagoff in his last will created in 1906. Entrusted to this institution was the teaching of Islamic knowledge, the Arabic language as well as English for the benefits of the Muslim community as well as that of the Colony of Singapore then.

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Our Alumni

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Sumah Bte Fadalee

She is the chairman of the Jejak Kasih Alumni Madrasah Alsagoff who has served in the community for 40 years. Today, she still continues to serve the community and teach at the local mosques.

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Nurdiana Hanim

Chief Executive Officer at Pergas

A decade is long enough to shape a person’s character and if I have to point out one specific thing I have learnt from my time as a student in Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah, it is definitely resilience.

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Raihanah Halid

President of Syariah Court

Ustazah Raihanah was seconded to Syariah Court in 2016 as President of the Syariah Court, where she presides over and conducts hearings in accordance with Muslim Law and the Administration of Muslim Law Act. Previously, she served with the Office of Mufti, Muis, doing Fatwa research and dissemination, and formation of religious policy.

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Our Milestone

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